Welcome to COSIM!
The Coalition on the Support of Indigenous Ministries exists as a forum for sharing, encouraging and developing best-practices in partnering and supporting our brothers and sisters to advance the gospel in their nation and region. COSIM gatherings feature a special emphasis on collaboration between support ministries, as well as significant time dedicated to listening to our international partners so we may serve them better. COSIM has been advocating for best practices in cross-cultural partnership for 20 years, including annual conferences. There are few conferences like these that focus consistently and exclusively on this topic. 465 organizations and churches have attended COSIM events over the years. COSIM is led by an all-volunteer Resource Team of experienced practitioners.Who should come: All who are involved in international mission partnerships are welcome. Typically, we have three principle participants 1.) Representatives of ministries who are involved in strengthening and resourcing the indigenous church in mission outreach around the world, 2.) Representatives of indigenous ministries who partner with international groups, 3.) Learners and beginners who want to hear from those with experience in international partnerships. Feel free to pass on this information to anyone you think would benefit.
Meeting Format: COSIM gatherings follow a modified open-space meeting format, which draws upon the expertise of attendees for sharing and discussion. Typically presentation are in the form of Ted-Talks (short, concise and impactful presentations that prompt further discussion).
Registration COSIM is by invitation only so new participants are encouraged to write the current chairman for more information.